Complete Web Development Course

Course Overview

Target Audience

  • Beginners with no prior experience
  • Intermediate learners looking to enhance their skills

Course Duration

  • 12 weeks (3 sessions per week, 2 hours per session)


  • Basic understanding of computers and the internet
  • Familiarity with basic programming concepts (optional but helpful)

Course Structure

Module 1: Introduction to Web Development (Week 1)

  • Session 1: What is Web Development?

    • Overview of web development and its importance
    • Types of web development: Frontend, Backend, Full Stack
  • Session 2: Web Development Tools and Environment Setup

    • Introduction to code editors (VS Code, Sublime Text)
    • Installing essential tools (Git, Node.js)
  • Session 3: Understanding Web Architecture

    • How the web works: servers, clients, and browsers
    • Overview of HTTP/HTTPS protocols

Module 2: Frontend Development (Weeks 2-5)

Week 2: HTML Basics

  • Session 1: Introduction to HTML

    • Structure of HTML documents
    • Common tags: headings, paragraphs, links, images, lists
  • Session 2: Advanced HTML

    • Forms and input elements
    • Semantic HTML
  • Session 3: Project 1 - Building a Simple Web Page

    • Hands-on project: Create a personal homepage

Week 3: CSS Fundamentals

  • Session 1: Introduction to CSS

    • CSS syntax and selectors
    • Applying styles to HTML
  • Session 2: Box Model and Layouts

    • Understanding the box model
    • Flexbox and Grid layouts
  • Session 3: Project 2 - Styling the Personal Homepage

    • Hands-on project: Enhance the homepage with CSS

Week 4: JavaScript Basics

  • Session 1: Introduction to JavaScript

    • JavaScript syntax and data types
    • Variables, operators, and expressions
  • Session 2: Control Structures and Functions

    • Conditionals (if/else) and loops (for, while)
    • Creating and using functions
  • Session 3: Project 3 - Interactive Features

    • Hands-on project: Add interactivity to the homepage with JavaScript

Week 5: Advanced JavaScript and DOM Manipulation

  • Session 1: Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM)

    • Navigating and manipulating the DOM
  • Session 2: Events and Event Handling

    • Adding event listeners to elements
  • Session 3: Project 4 - Build a Simple To-Do List App

    • Hands-on project: Create a to-do list application

Module 3: Backend Development (Weeks 6-9)

Week 6: Introduction to Backend Development

  • Session 1: Overview of Backend Technologies

    • Understanding server-side programming
  • Session 2: Introduction to Node.js

    • Setting up a Node.js environment
  • Session 3: Building Your First Node.js Application

    • Hands-on project: Create a basic server with Node.js

Week 7: Express.js and APIs

  • Session 1: Introduction to Express.js

    • Setting up an Express server
    • Routing basics
  • Session 2: RESTful APIs

    • Understanding REST principles
    • Creating a simple API
  • Session 3: Project 5 - Building an API for the To-Do List

    • Hands-on project: Create a backend for the to-do list app

Week 8: Databases

  • Session 1: Introduction to Databases

    • Understanding SQL vs. NoSQL
    • Overview of popular databases (MongoDB, PostgreSQL)
  • Session 2: Connecting Node.js with a Database

    • Using MongoDB with Mongoose
  • Session 3: Project 6 - Enhancing the To-Do List with a Database

    • Hands-on project: Store to-do items in a MongoDB database

Week 9: Authentication and Security

  • Session 1: User Authentication Basics

    • Understanding authentication vs. authorization
    • Implementing user registration and login
  • Session 2: Security Best Practices

    • Protecting your application from common vulnerabilities (e.g., SQL injection, XSS)
  • Session 3: Project 7 - Secure Your To-Do List App

    • Hands-on project: Implement user authentication in the to-do list app

Module 4: Full Stack Development (Weeks 10-12)

Week 10: Connecting Frontend and Backend

  • Session 1: Fetching Data with AJAX

    • Using Fetch API to make requests
  • Session 2: Building a Full Stack Application

    • Integrating the frontend and backend
  • Session 3: Project 8 - Full Stack To-Do List Application

    • Hands-on project: Create a full stack to-do list app

Week 11: Deployment and Version Control

  • Session 1: Version Control with Git

    • Understanding Git basics and GitHub
  • Session 2: Deployment Options

    • Introduction to hosting platforms (Heroku, Netlify)
  • Session 3: Deploying Your Application

    • Hands-on project: Deploy the to-do list application

Week 12: Final Project and Course Review

  • Session 1: Project Planning

    • Outline and plan a final project (students choose their own project)
  • Session 2: Project Development

    • Work on the final project with instructor support
  • Session 3: Project Presentation and Feedback

    • Present final projects to the class for feedback

Additional Resources

  • Recommended Books and Online Courses
  • Community and Support Groups
  • Useful Tools and Frameworks


By the end of this course, participants will have a solid understanding of both frontend and backend development, along with practical experience through hands-on projects. They will be equipped to build and deploy full stack applications and continue their learning journey in web development.